4 Passengers injured in bomb explosion

  • October 28, 2017, 3:26 pm
  • National News

BOLAN Oct 27 (PPI): Four passengers o outgoing Bugti Express were injure din remote contor bomb explosion in Hirak area of Bolan Friday.
According to details Rawalpindi bound Bugti express train left Quetta for its destination today. When it reached at Hirak in Bolan area, bomb planted along with track went off. It caused damage to bogey no. 9. Four passengers Hassan, Shahid, Mohsin Ali and Abdul Ghaffar were injured due to explosion.
ON information Assistant Commisison Mach rushed to the scene alogn with heavy contingent of Levies and FC. They shifted injured passengersto safer places. FC and Railways Poice provided medical aid to injured people. Conditionof all the injured is stated tob e out of danger.
Two other bombs planted with the track were defused and batteries, wires and antenna were taken into custody.
After clearance of the track train was allowed to resume onward journey. Security forces were probing the matters.